
11 December 2023 14:00


would like to invite you to the first MION (Multi-scheme chemical IONization inlet) workshop to discuss new and existing applications, best practices, and data processing techniques.

Date: 11–12 December 2023

Place: Chemicum A127 (Kumpula Campus) and online


Monday, December 11, 14.00


Dr. HJ Jost, CEO 
14.00 Overview of MION and its capabilities

Dr. Runlong Cai
14.15 MION+Orbitrap field and laboratory experiments

Dr. Lauriane Quéléver
14.30 Gas phase aerosol precursor in Antarctica using MION-CIMS

Dr. Wei Huang
14.45 MION field measurements at the pristine high-altitude Izaña Atmospheric Observatory (2367 m a.s.l.), Spain

15.00 - 15.15 Break

Prof. Matti Rissanen
15.15 Rapid HOM formation observed with the MION-CIMS

Asst. Prof. Tuija Jokinen
15.30 MION for base molecule measurements and the Boost project

MSc. Yarê Baker
15.45 Exploring SOA formation potential with MION-CIMS in steady-state chamber experiments

Dr. Joona Mikkilä
16.00 Pesticides screening using Thermal Desorption+MION

16.15 Q & A related to reagent ions, applications, hardware

15 min time slots are reserved for each presentation + questions

Tuesday, December 12, 10.00 - 12.30:


Dr. Henning Finkenzeller
10.00 Modelling of MION and Eisele-type flows

Dr. Jiali Shen
10.15 Detailed characterization of MION2 and the detection of inorganic species

Asst. Prof. Dominik Stolzenburg
10.30 Combining MION modes for better nanoparticles growth estimates

Dr. Nina Sarnela
 10.45 ACTRIS measurement guidelines for MION-CIMS


MIONxData Analysis

Dr. Paxton Juuti, Karsa
11.15 Data processing and analysis guidelines

Dr. Henning Finkenzeller
11.30 Data analysis demo

11.45 Q&A about data analysis

Closing remarks


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